Living Out My Calling


There have been major changes in our world as well as my life since my last blog post.

In 2018 I resigned my position as Executive Director of Starting Point and went full time into ministry with Authenticity & Grace at the start of 2019.

Authenticity & Grace’s mission is to help women LIVE FREE in Christ by preaching the Good News, proclaiming freedom to the captive, recovery of sight to the blind, and setting free the oppressed through coaching and public speaking. (Luke 4:18-19)

There were so many long and dark years when I didn’t really think freedom was possible. So to be living in freedom, doing what I love, and for God to be using my pain and suffering to help other women is evidence of how He makes beauty from ashes. (Isaiah 61:3)

Life still has its challenges and stressors. COVID has impacted the public speaking aspect of the ministry. My husband and I have moved 2 times during the pandemic. But through it all, God has been guiding and providing me with the resources I need to fulfill my calling to work toward the vision of Authenticity & Grace.

Vision Statement

Authenticity & Grace works towards creating a safe, authentic, and grace-filled place where women are encouraged and inspired to break free from the prisons that are holding them captive. We do this through preaching the gospel, coaching, inner healing prayer, and sharing our stories of healing and recovery. Authenticity & Grace sees a world where women no longer bow down to the world’s idols and instead stand tall as unique daughters of the King. Authenticity & Grace believes women can be set free from the unhealthy habits, emotions, lies, and wounds that keep us oppressed so we can LIVE FREE in Christ.

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It’s vital to me to pursue what God wants for Authenticity & Grace and not fall into the trap of defining success by what the world says. I am excited to see where He leads as I follow Him on this journey!

God has not called me to be successful; He has called me to be faithful.

-Mother Teresa