My lifelong dream has been to help women find freedom in their relationship with food and their bodies.
How could I possibly help others though when I didn’t even know how to help myself?
I vowed to never stop fighting for freedom even when I didn’t always believe freedom was possible.
I didn't give up. Thanks to a team of professionals, my family, and the healing power and grace of Christ, I was able to break free. That’s not to say there aren’t days where I struggle, but I no longer live in the prison of ED & The Gang. My heart overflows with gratitude and joy for the life I now live!
I started Authenticity & Grace in 2016 to share my story. The dream that started in my heart during college has been growing into a deep passion to not just tell my story, but to actually help others break free and experience freedom. Last year, I spent time in prayer and did research to figure out how this might look for me.
The BIG NEWS is, I am taking classes to become a Certified Health and Life Coach. The plan is to do this while I continue in my current position as Executive Director of Starting Point.
In December of 2017, I started classes at the Health Coach Institute (HCI) and am hoping to complete the course by the end of this summer! In April, I will be attending an HCI Live Event in Phoenix, where I will be able to meet other students going through the program and get hands-on training to become a health coach!
There have been so many emotions during this new journey! I feel excited, but there is also fear of failure. ED & The Gang kept me from trying new things before, and I am committed to not letting the fear keep me from stepping out and following my dream.
My own work with a Coach made such a major impact on my journey, and I am excited to help others as a coach. I want to call myself a Freedom Coach because it's not about molding one's body to fit worldly beauty standards, but to help others be the unique individual that God created them to be.
As a Freedom Coach, I want to help women who are trapped in unhealthy relationships with food and their bodies, so they can break free from diets and disordered eating to live in freedom with authenticity and grace.